
  — News & Agenda —

  IE University, CISEM member (Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull'Edilizia abitativa tardoantica nel Mediterraneo)
IE University Archaeology Unit has already assisted at the 3rd International Congress of the CISEM, held last October 28th-31th in Bologna and Ravenna (Italy)

AMARC-IEU: 05/11/2019
This Scientific Congress, focused on "Living in Late-Antique Mediterranean", hosted the latest research on the most relevant residential complexes in the Roman world, from Syria, Asia Minor, or North of Africa, to distinguished spaces from the European geography. The main issue of scientific meeting relied on Roman elite residences and luxury resources applied by their owners at the end of the Roman Empire.
IE Archaeology Unit, invited to participate as a CISEM member, exposed the latest archaeological survey results related to marble recycling at the monumental complex of Las Pizarras (Coca, Segovia); an uncommon material in other Roman villas, in the density registered at the Caucensis site.

  Members of CISEM and the Archeology Unit of IE University, in the Museum of Classis-Ravenna. / CISEM.  
  Pedagogical innovation in ancient Segobriga

AMARC-IEU: 25/09/2019
Professors Miguel Larrañaga, Bart Wauters and Cristóbal Rodríguez teach Roman law in the archaeological park of Segobriga (Cuenca).

  IE University students attend a class in the amphitheater of Segobriga. / S.A.  
  Santa Cruz La Real, example of use of historic building

RA: 17/09/2019
A delegation of the mission of exchange of knowledge sector tourism and heritage - iv ibero-American Forum of mayors held last week in Spain has visited segovia to learn how the city is managed as a tourist destination and projects about new uses for historical buildings That have been carried out in recent years in the city. The delegation visited the campus of ie university in segovia as an example of use of a historic building as an educational center of attraction of foreign students.

  Dr. Miguel Larrañaga and members of the IV Iberoamerican Forum of mayors, next to the frontage of Santa Cruz. / R.A.  
  Geophysics & Archaeology
The IE Archaeology Unit coordinates survey work at the archaeological sites of Las Pizarras (Coca, Segovia), and Doce Cantos (Palencia)

AMARC-IEU: 26/08/2019
The main objective of the initiative is to detect archaeological remains preserved under the ground surface of the sites, where IE University Archaeology Unit is currently carrying out several research projects. The surveys, financed by the Junta of Castilla y León, employed geophysical techniques on the surface of these sites (magnetometry and ground-penetrating radar) and were carried out last August by members of Antiquity & Middle Ages Research Centre and Magnitude Surveys Ltd.

  Application of geophysical survey techniques in the archaeological site of Doce Cantos (Palencia). / P.A.L.  
  Roman remains from the 1st to 4th centuries have been found on the “Camino de las Ánimas"
The excavation campaign in the Palencia town of Herrera de Pisuerga has been aimed at documenting the exceptional Roman occupation in the area

EUROPA PRESS: 04/08/2019
The campaign of archaeological excavations of the site known as Camino de las Ánimas, in Herrera de Pisuerga (Palencia), financed by the Town Hall of Herrera de Pisuerga and IE University, concluded with "remarkable scientific results", documenting several Roman material remains from 1st to 5th centuries that are hardly known in the urban enclaves of the Carrión-Pisuerga rim.

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  Vista de las excavaciones llevadas a cabo en la localidad de Herrera de Pisuerga, en Palencia. / P.A.L.    Pablo Arribas Lobo  
     Pablo Arribas Lobo  
  The Junta documents the wall of Tiermes for an upcoming restoration
The data obtained from this field work will be used to draft a consolidation Project

SORIA NOTICIAS: 09/07/2019
With the aim of archaeologically documentation of the wall of Tiermes (Montejo de Tiermes), obtaining precise data on the technical and construction characteristics of its inner face to determine the levels of circulation, the state of the foundation and the state of general conservation, the Junta of Castilla and León has developed, from the end of May until last weekend, a campaign of excavations in two areas of its northern sector. (...) The ultimate purpose of this intervention is to obtain data that will serve as a basis for the drafting of a consolidation project and its value, which will allow this monument to be integrated into the itinerary of the site’s visit, by providing the interpretation of existing remains. The archaeological works are being carried out by the Archaeology Unit of IE University.

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  Imagen de las labores realizadas recientemente. / P.A.L.    Pablo Arribas Lobo  
  Into the origins of Christianity in Segovia province
The scientific magazine "Oppidum" collects an epigraphic study of a signatory ring found in the cemetery of Las Pizarras of Coca

EL ADELANTADO: 04/06/2019
Researchers from IE University Cesáreo Pérez and Olivia Reyes, and the expert Eusebio Dohijo, a scientific collaborator at the AMARC center of IE University (Antiquity & Middle Ages Research Centre), published in the scientific journal "Oppidum" an epigraphic study of a ring found in the late Antiquity cemetery from Las Pizarras de Coca area. This ring, dated between the last quarter of the 7th century and the first half of the 8th century, could belong to a member of the Hispanic-Visigoth elite.

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  Signatory ring found in the late Antiquity cemetery from Las Pizarras. / IEU-UA.    
  IE University receives experts in Humanities from several countries
The Segovian Campus hosts an International Conference on the Birth of Universities in the Peripheries of Europe

EL ADELANTADO: 10/06/2019
IE University and IE Humanities Center organize an International Conference that analyzes the Birth of Universities in the Peripheries of Europe, from the Scriptorium to the Library (June 10th to 12th). This open meeting takes place on the eighth centenary of the convent's foundation of Santa Cruz la Real in Segovia, a monumental complex declared National Monument and which today houses the IE University Campus.

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  Opening of the International Conference in the Refectorio of IE University. / R. A.  
  Learning to play at IE University Campus
Workshop of historical games at the Convent of Santa Cruz La Real

AMARC-IEU: 14/05/2019
Olivia Reyes, member of the Archaeology Unit of IE University, deciphers dynamics and origins of a good part of popular games through the information provided by archaeological remains. In many cases, their rules have not survived. In others, they are at risk of desappearance, due to the so-called ‘new technologies' flourishing; useful in some issues, but far away from the socializing value of tradicional leisure activities, at the same time. The workshop was designed as a didactic resource, focused on perceiving the social context in which games were enjoyed and conceived.

  Alumnos del IES Ezequiel González, juegan en el claustro de IE University. / R. A.  
  IE University Archaeology Spring Camp
June 4th - 7th 2019. Archaeological site of Tiermes (Soria)

AMARC-IEU: 10/05/2019
— Learn archaeological methodology on site!
— No previous knowledge or experience required.
— Registration at "Campus Groups". Limited slots available.

     Pablo Arribas Lobo  
  International Conference on the Birth of Universities in the Peripheries of Europe: From the Scriptorium to the Library”
IE University. Campus de Santa Cruz, Segovia, Spain. June 10th – June 12th 2019

IEHB: 08/05/2019
Follow this link in order to get the whole information:

  Trip to Clunia and Peñaranda de Duero (Burgos)
Saturday, April 27th

AMARC-IEU: 29/04/2019
A group of 27 students of IEU Humanities-Archaeology visited the Roman site of Clunia and the Medieval village of Peñaranda de Duero, both in the province of Burgos.

  Teatro romano de Clunia.  
  IE University brings Archaeology to High School students
Students of the Ezequiel González have participated in an workshop taught on the Campus of Santa Cruz

EL ADELANTADO: 27/04/2019
A group of students of the IES Ezequiel González of Segovia has participated in an informative workshop on Archaeology and Historical Heritage taught by Pablo Arribas, member of the Archaeology Unit of IE University. This workshop has helped young students to approach in a practical way different aspects related to the values of historical and archaeological heritage, so that they can complete their training process in the domain of History.

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  IES Ezequiel González students. / R. A.   Pablo Arribas Lobo  
  St. James Way
May 16-20th 2019

AMARC-IEU: 11/04/2019
— 110 km walk, from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela.
— In collaboration with Standford University.
— Registration at "Campus Groups".

  "Archeology of exchange", in the National Archaeological Museum
Friday, April 5: "Humanities/Archeology" class

AMARC-IEU: 08/04/2019
— Visit to the National Archaeological Museum, Madrid.
  . Topic: "Archaeology of cultural and economic exchange".
  . Study case: "The Mediterranean and the Iberian Peninsula (1000 BC - 1500 AD)".

  Humanities/Archeology students, during their visit to the National Archaeological Museum / PAL.  
  Nacre presence at Roman villas of Hispania
New IE University contributions to the study of Late Antique Architecture

AMARC-IEU: 02/04/2019
IEU Archaeology Unit academics, Cesáreo Pérez González and Olivia Reyes Hernando, have recently published an original paper about the nacre's presence (mother-of-pearl) in the Roman villas of ancient Hispania in 4th century AD, when they reached their greatest splendour.
This work combines several of the research lines developed by "Antiquity & Middle Ages Research Centre" and is included in the 2nd International Congress Proceedings of the CISEM (Centre for Studies on Late Antique Housing in the Mediterranean). It took place at Bologna, in march 2016, attended by the principal referring researchers in the study of housing, urban planning and territory in Late Antiquity.

  "Atti del II Convegno Internazionale del Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull'Edilizia abitativa tardoantica nel Mediterraneo" / EDIPUGLIA, 2019.  
  Saturday, March 23. Trip to Avila
"Humanities-Archaeology" class (Segovia campus)

AMARC-IEU: 25/03/2019
— Visit to Avila city walls and Celtic "oppidum" of Las Cogotas. Topic: "Archaeology of war".
— Visit to Vettonia Museum. Topic: "From Celts to Romans".
— Visit to St. Vincent's basilica and cenotaph. Topic: "The cult to relics in Medieval Europe".

   IE students, alongside to the fortified walls of "Las Cogotas (Avila) / MLZ.  
  Last activities with IE University students of “Humanities–Archaeology” class (Segovia Campus)
In collaboration with IEU Antiquity & Middle Ages Research Center

AMARC-IEU: 18/02/2019
— Friday, February 8:
  . Visit to Prado Museum (Madrid). Topic: “Art, Religion, and Power in the Prado Museum”.
— Saturday, February 16:
  . Visit to the Canal de Castilla (Palencia), 18thC. Topic: "Industrial Archaeology".
  . Visit to the villa of La Olmeda (Palencia), 4thC. Topic: "Roman Archaeology".

  Students of IE University, aboard the boat "Marqués de la Ensenada" (Canal de Castilla) / CPG.  
  On the occasion of the 800th Anniversary of the Convent of Sta. Cruz La Real (Segovia), site of IE University.
International Conference on the Birth of Universities in the Peripheries of Europe: “From the Scriptorium to the Library”

SEGOVIA, 10-12 JUNE 2019

[PDF: Call for papers]

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