
  — Artistic dialogue between Al-Andalus and the Iberian Christian kingdoms —

Between the 10th and 12th centuries we may find political and cultural transformations that significantly affected the relations between al-Andalus and the peninsular Christian kingdoms. Both the warlike confrontations and the multiple exchanges between the Christian and Muslim communities left an important mark on the art of that time. Romanesque art presents certain architectural and figurative elements that seem inspired by the Andalusian Islamic art. The journey of these motifs constitutes a fascinating display of artistic dialogue that highlights the need to break the disciplinary barrier that separates the study of Christian and Islamic art from the middle centuries of the Middle Ages.




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MONTEIRA ARIAS, Inés. La influencia islámica en la escultura románica de Soria. Una nueva vía para el estudio de la iconografía en el románico. Monográfico. Cuadernos de Arte e Iconografía, 29. Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid, 2005.

MONTEIRA ARIAS, Inés, "Símbolos de poder en el arte peninsular de los siglos X a XII: trasferencias artísticas e ideológicas entre al-Andalus y los reinos cristianos", en El Islam: presente de un pasado medieval, Semana de Estudios Medievales Logroño 28, coord. Esther López Ojeda, Instituto de Estudios Riojanos, Logroño, 2018, pp. 287-324.

ROBINSON, Cynthia, “Love in the Time of Fitna: 'Courtliness' and the Pamplona Casket,” en Revisiting al-Andalus: Perspectives on the Material Culture of Islamic Iberia and Beyond, ANDERSON, Glaire D. y ROSSER-OWEN Mariam (eds.), Brill, Leiden: 2007, pp. 99-112.

SHALEM, Avinoam, Christianized Islamic Portable Objects in the Medieval Church Treasures of the Latin West, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1998.

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